Daftar Harga Umroh di Samarinda Hubungi 021-9929-2337 atau 0821-2406-5740 Alhijaz Indowisata adalah perusahaan swasta nasional yang bergerak di bidang tour dan travel. Nama Alhijaz terinspirasi dari istilah dua kota suci bagi umat islam pada zaman nabi Muhammad saw. yaitu Makkah dan Madinah. Dua kota yang penuh berkah sehingga diharapkan menular dalam kinerja perusahaan. Sedangkan Indowisata merupakan akronim dari kata indo yang berarti negara Indonesia dan wisata yang menjadi fokus usaha bisnis kami.
Daftar Harga Umroh di Samarinda Alhijaz Indowisata didirikan oleh Bapak H. Abdullah Djakfar Muksen pada tahun 2010. Merangkak dari kecil namun pasti, alhijaz berkembang pesat dari mulai penjualan tiket maskapai penerbangan domestik dan luar negeri, tour domestik hingga mengembangkan ke layanan jasa umrah dan haji khusus. Tak hanya itu, pada tahun 2011 Alhijaz kembali membuka divisi baru yaitu provider visa umrah yang bekerja sama dengan muassasah arab saudi. Sebagai komitmen legalitas perusahaan dalam melayani pelanggan dan jamaah secara aman dan profesional, saat ini perusahaan telah mengantongi izin resmi dari pemerintah melalui kementrian pariwisata, lalu izin haji khusus dan umrah dari kementrian agama. Selain itu perusahaan juga tergabung dalam komunitas organisasi travel nasional seperti Asita, komunitas penyelenggara umrah dan haji khusus yaitu HIMPUH dan organisasi internasional yaitu IATA.
KPK Geledah Ruangan Kerja Sutan Bhatoegana dan Tri Yulianto
Bakasi, Saco-Indonesia.com — Sejumlah penyidik Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) mendatangi Gedung DPR, Kamis (16/1/2014).
Bakasi, Saco-Indonesia.com — Sejumlah penyidik Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) mendatangi Gedung DPR, Kamis (16/1/2014). Para petugas menggunakan rompi berwarna krem dengan tulisan di bagian belakang "KPK". Mereka langsung menuju ruang anggota Fraksi Partai Demokrat, Sutan Bhatoegana di lantai 9 nomor 0905, dan Tri Yulianto di lantai 10 nomor 1013, di Gedung Nusantara I DPR.
Dari informasi yang dihimpun, penyidik KPK tiba sekitar pukul 10.00 WIB. Wartawan yang sempat terkecoh tak diberikan kesempatan untuk mengambil gambar suasana penggeledahan.
Hingga berita ini ditayangkan, penggeledahan masih berlangsung. Lorong menuju ruang Tri Yulianto dijaga seorang petugas pengamanan dalam Gedung Parlemen. Tampak pula seorang anggota Brimob yang turut berjaga dengan dilengkapi senjata laras panjang.
KOMPAS.com/Indra Akuntono Ketua DPP Partai Demokrat Sutan Bhatoegana
Tak diperoleh informasi lebih jauh terkait penggeledahan ini. Diduga, penggeledahan terkait kasus dugaan suap di SKK Migas yang menjerat mantan Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas (SKK Migas) Rudi Rubiandini.
Disebut terima uang
Sebelumnya, Sutan Bhatoeganadisebut menerima uang 200.000 dollar AS dari Rudi. Hal itu terungkap dalam dakwaan Rudi yang dibacakan Jaksa Penuntut Umum Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi di Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi Jakarta, Selasa (7/1/2014).
Jaksa Riyono menjelaskan, uang yang diserahkan ke Sutan merupakan bagian dari 300.000 dollar AS yang diterima Rudi dari bos Kernel Oil Singapura Widodo Ratanachaitong.
"Uang 300.000 dollar AS tersebut, menurut terdakwa, diberikan kepada Sutan Bhatoegana melalui Tri Yulianto sebesar 200.000 dollar AS di sebuah toko di Jalan MT Haryono, Jakarta Selatan," kata Riyono.
Riyono memaparkan, uang 300.000 dollar AS diterima Rudi dari Deviardi pada tanggal 26 Juli 2013 di Gedung Plasa Mandiri Gatot Subroto, Jakarta Selatan.
Adapun Deviardi menerima uang itu dari anak buah Widodo, Simon Gunawan Tanjaya. Setelah itu, sisa uang tersebut disimpan oleh Rudi dalam safe deposit box Bank Mandiri. Sutan pernah diperiksa KPK terkait pemberian uang itu. Dia membantah Komisi VII DPR RI meminta tunjangan hari raya (THR) kepada Rudi.
Sumber : kompas.com
Editror :Maulana Lee
Hatta bingung dengan harga daging sapi yang begitu mahal mahal
Harga daging sapi di pasaran saat ini berkisar Rp 90.000 per kilogram. Presiden Susilo Bambang
Yudhoyono (SBY) telah menginstruksikan Menteri Perdagangan Gita Wirjawan untuk menekan harga
daging sapi.
Harga daging sapi di pasaran saat ini berkisar Rp 90.000 per kilogram.
Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) telah menginstruksikan Menteri Perdagangan Gita Wirjawan
untuk menekan harga daging sapi.
Menko Perekonomian Hatta Rajasa meminta Badan Urusan
Logistik (Bulog) untuk segera mengintervensi pasar, sehingga harga daging sapi bisa diturunkan
menjadi Rp 75.000 per kg.
"Harga daging ini saya juga kadang-kadang bingung di
mana letak persoalannya sehingga pasar terdistorsi. Kita kasih kasih kewenangan Bulog
intervensi pasar kalau lama kita ketok kepalanya. Jangan sampai saya perintahkan juga nggak
jalan sehingga ada kesan supaya harganya (daging) tinggi," ujar Hatta di kantornya,
Jakarta, Jumat (31/5).
Hatta mengatakan dia masih bingung kenapa harga daging sapi
malah naik. Sebab, harga daging sapi impor Australia saat ini mengalami penurunan. Dari
sebelumnya USD 3 per kg menjadi USD 2,92 per kg.
"Sekarang harga daging di
Australia USD 2,92, di sini malah jadi Rp 95.000. Ada apa ini. Ini harus diturunkan," tegas
Dia meminta kuota impor daging sapi ditarik terlebih dahulu sehingga harga daging
sapi di pasar menjadi Rp 75.000. Apalagi, masyarakat akan terbebani menjelang puasa dan lebaran
jika harga daging sapi masih tinggi.
"Kalau perlu kuota ditarik dulu karena
kasihan masyarakat menjelang puasa. Lalu kemudian kita lakukan operasi pasar dengan Kemendag,
Kementan, dan Bulog agar stabil dengan memperhitungkan asumsi harga terbaik bagi peternak. Jadi
dengan hitungan Kementan daging sebesar Rp 75.000 peternak masih dapat menikmati,"
Ghostly Voices From Thomas Edison’s Dolls Can Now Be Heard
Though Robin and Joan Rolfs owned two rare talking dolls manufactured by Thomas Edison’s phonograph company in 1890, they did not dare play the wax cylinder records tucked inside each one.
The Rolfses, longtime collectors of Edison phonographs, knew that if they turned the cranks on the dolls’ backs, the steel phonograph needle might damage or destroy the grooves of the hollow, ring-shaped cylinder. And so for years, the dolls sat side by side inside a display cabinet, bearers of a message from the dawn of sound recording that nobody could hear.
In 1890, Edison’s dolls were a flop; production lasted only six weeks. Children found them difficult to operate and more scary than cuddly. The recordings inside, which featured snippets of nursery rhymes, wore out quickly.
Yet sound historians say the cylinders were the first entertainment records ever made, and the young girls hired to recite the rhymes were the world’s first recording artists.
Year after year, the Rolfses asked experts if there might be a safe way to play the recordings. Then a government laboratory developed a method to play fragile records without touching them.
The technique relies on a microscope to create images of the grooves in exquisite detail. A computer approximates — with great accuracy — the sounds that would have been created by a needle moving through those grooves.
In 2014, the technology was made available for the first time outside the laboratory.
“The fear all along is that we don’t want to damage these records. We don’t want to put a stylus on them,” said Jerry Fabris, the curator of the Thomas Edison Historical Park in West Orange, N.J. “Now we have the technology to play them safely.”
Last month, the Historical Park posted online three never-before-heard Edison doll recordings, including the two from the Rolfses’ collection. “There are probably more out there, and we’re hoping people will now get them digitized,” Mr. Fabris said.
The technology, which is known as Irene (Image, Reconstruct, Erase Noise, Etc.), was developed by the particle physicist Carl Haber and the engineer Earl Cornell at Lawrence Berkeley. Irene extracts sound from cylinder and disk records. It can also reconstruct audio from recordings so badly damaged they were deemed unplayable.
“We are now hearing sounds from history that I did not expect to hear in my lifetime,” Mr. Fabris said.
The Rolfses said they were not sure what to expect in August when they carefully packed their two Edison doll cylinders, still attached to their motors, and drove from their home in Hortonville, Wis., to the National Document Conservation Center in Andover, Mass. The center had recently acquired Irene technology.
Cylinders carry sound in a spiral groove cut by a phonograph recording needle that vibrates up and down, creating a surface made of tiny hills and valleys. In the Irene set-up, a microscope perched above the shaft takes thousands of high-resolution images of small sections of the grooves.
Stitched together, the images provide a topographic map of the cylinder’s surface, charting changes in depth as small as one five-hundredth the thickness of a human hair. Pitch, volume and timbre are all encoded in the hills and valleys and the speed at which the record is played.
At the conservation center, the preservation specialist Mason Vander Lugt attached one of the cylinders to the end of a rotating shaft. Huddled around a computer screen, the Rolfses first saw the wiggly waveform generated by Irene. Then came the digital audio. The words were at first indistinct, but as Mr. Lugt filtered out more of the noise, the rhyme became clearer.
“That was the Eureka moment,” Mr. Rolfs said.
In 1890, a girl in Edison’s laboratory had recited:
There was a little girl,
And she had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good,
She was very, very good.
But when she was bad, she was horrid.
Recently, the conservation center turned up another surprise.
In 2010, the Woody Guthrie Foundation received 18 oversize phonograph disks from an anonymous donor. No one knew if any of the dirt-stained recordings featured Guthrie, but Tiffany Colannino, then the foundation’s archivist, had stored them unplayed until she heard about Irene.
Last fall, the center extracted audio from one of the records, labeled “Jam Session 9” and emailed the digital file to Ms. Colannino.
“I was just sitting in my dining room, and the next thing I know, I’m hearing Woody,” she said. In between solo performances of “Ladies Auxiliary,” “Jesus Christ,” and “Dead or Alive,” Guthrie tells jokes, offers some back story, and makes the audience laugh. “It is quintessential Guthrie,” Ms. Colannino said.
The Rolfses’ dolls are back in the display cabinet in Wisconsin. But with audio stored on several computers, they now have a permanent voice.
Jean Nidetch, 91, Dies; Pounds Came Off, and Weight Watchers Was Born
A 214-pound Queens housewife struggled with a lifelong addiction to food until she shed 72 pounds and became the public face of the worldwide weight-control empire Weight Watchers.