Biro Perjalanan Ibadah Haji November 2015 di Jakarta
Biro Perjalanan Ibadah Haji November 2015 di Jakarta Hubungi 021-9929-2337 atau 0821-2406-5740 Alhijaz Indowisata adalah perusahaan swasta nasional yang bergerak di bidang tour dan travel. Nama Alhijaz terinspirasi dari istilah dua kota suci bagi umat islam pada zaman nabi Muhammad saw. yaitu Makkah dan Madinah. Dua kota yang penuh berkah sehingga diharapkan menular dalam kinerja perusahaan. Sedangkan Indowisata merupakan akronim dari kata indo yang berarti negara Indonesia dan wisata yang menjadi fokus usaha bisnis kami.
Biro Perjalanan Ibadah Haji November 2015 di Jakarta Alhijaz Indowisata didirikan oleh Bapak H. Abdullah Djakfar Muksen pada tahun 2010. Merangkak dari kecil namun pasti, alhijaz berkembang pesat dari mulai penjualan tiket maskapai penerbangan domestik dan luar negeri, tour domestik hingga mengembangkan ke layanan jasa umrah dan haji khusus. Tak hanya itu, pada tahun 2011 Alhijaz kembali membuka divisi baru yaitu provider visa umrah yang bekerja sama dengan muassasah arab saudi. Sebagai komitmen legalitas perusahaan dalam melayani pelanggan dan jamaah secara aman dan profesional, saat ini perusahaan telah mengantongi izin resmi dari pemerintah melalui kementrian pariwisata, lalu izin haji khusus dan umrah dari kementrian agama. Selain itu perusahaan juga tergabung dalam komunitas organisasi travel nasional seperti Asita, komunitas penyelenggara umrah dan haji khusus yaitu HIMPUH dan organisasi internasional yaitu IATA.
Bahan Berkualitas Untuk Konveksi Fashion
Pusat Konveksi Di Indonesia
Berbagai Jenis Bahan Kaos T-Shirt
Bahan Berkualitas Untuk Konveksi Fashion
Pusat Konveksi Di Indonesia
Berbagai Jenis Bahan Kaos T-Shirt
Sebagai pusat pembuatan konveksi, kami menyediakan banyak variasi kain yang bisa kami olah menjadi produk konveksi berkualitas. Ada banyak kain yang tersedia di pasaran, namun akan kami uraikan bahan-bahan yang sangat banyak diminati oleh customer kami.
Kain-kain yang kami jelaskan di bawah ini, umumnya digunakan untuk kaos tipe T-shirt (kaos oblong), Untuk kaos tipe polo shirt/ Berkerah biasanya digunakan kain rajutan cotton pique / lacoste. Untuk penjelasan mengenai kain rajutan Sedangkan untuk jenis jaket (jaket, jumper, cardigan, ataupun hoodie) biasanya digunakan bahan fleece. Jika anda mengutamakan kenyamanan ketika pemakaian utamakan memilih bahan yang asli 100% katun.,
1. KATUN (combed 20s, 24s, 30s)
Bahan katun combed telah terbuat murni 100% dari serat kapas alami. Bahan combed berkarakteristik telah memiliki tekstur yang sangat halus, dingin, nyaman, dan mudah menyerap keringat, sehingga sangat nyaman dan cocok dipakai di Negara tropis seperti Indonesia. Kain Combed telah memiliki serat benang yang lebih halus dan rata sehingga penampilannya akan menjadi lebih halus , rata dan rapih. Ada beberapa jenis kain combed yang ada di pasaran. Hal ini dapat dibedakan berdasarkan jenis benang yang digunakan serta setting gramasinya. Kami juga telah menyediakan 3 varian combed, Ada combed 20s, 24s, 30s. hal yang telah membedakan adalah ketebalan kain combed. Kain 20s telah memiliki ketebalan yang paling tebal, sedangkan combed 30s telah memiliki ketebalan yang paling tipis. Kain Combed 20s juga merupakan kain yang paling banyak dipakai dan menjadi favorit kaos distro karena selain kenyamanan ketika digunakan, harganya juga tidak mahal.
2. CARDET (20s, 30s)
Dibandingkan dengan kain combed , kain cotton cardet telah memiliki serat benang yang kurang halus. Kain cardet juga merupakan kain KW1 nya kain combed sehingga Hasil rajutan dan penampilan bahan kurang halus dan kurang rata. karena harganya yang relatif lebih murah jika dibandingkan dengan cotton combed, bahan cotton cardet sering digunakan untuk kaos-kaos dengan target pasar kelas menengah, misalnya untuk kaos pabrik, seragam buruh, dan juga kaos oblong olahraga.
Polyester sesuai namanya, juga merupakan bahan serat sintetis yang telah terbuat dari bahan ester (dalam hal ini hasil sampingan minyak buni dan dibuat bahan berupa serat fiberpoly). Dibandingkan katun, kain jenis ini lebih tipis, agak kasar, dan tidak bisa menyerap keringat sehingga sangat panas ketika dipakai.
seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi, terpengaruh juga teknologi pengolahan bahan kain. Banyak bahan kain hasil dari penggabungan katun dan Polyester, salah satunya adalah TC. Jenis bahan ini juga merupakan campuran dari 35% cotton combed dan 65% polyester. TC ini seperti PE, terasas panas ketika memakainya karena kurang bisa menyerap keringat. Namun kelebihannya bahan ini lebih tahan kusut, dan tidak mudah melar meski sudah lama dipakai.
Viscose biasa juga disebut rayon. Sebuah bahan serat sintesa celulosa organic (buatan manusia) yang biasa digunakan sebagai bahan kain. Teksturnya telah memiliki kesamaan dengan tekstur kapas. Viscose biasanya digunakan untuk dapat menambahkan kenyamanan pada serat sintesis dan juga menambah kecerahan warna. Serat Viscose mempunyai tahanan kelembaban yang lebih tinggi, kecemerlangan warna yang lebih baik dan lebih lembut dibanding kapas. Namun kain ini juga terkesan mewah, sehingga harganya mahal dan jarang tersedia di pasaran.
Jenis bahan kaos ini adalah campuran dari 55% Cotton Combed dan 45% Viscose. Kelebihan dari bahan ini adalah tingkat shrinkage-nya (susut pola) lebih kecil dari bahan Cotton. Jenis bahan ini juga bersifat menyerap keringat.
Jenis bahan ini telah terbuat dari plastic dan sangat tipis, oleh karena itu harganya sangat murah. Namun bahan ini, bisa dibilang kurang layak dan nyaman untuk dijadikan kaos. Biasanya pembuatan kaos dengan bahan ini dilakukan jika ingin membuat kaos dengan jumlah massal tetapi dana yang tersedia tidak terlalu banyak. Bahan ini banyak digunakan untuk keperluan kampanye partai
Editor : Dian Sukmawati
blusukan ke lokasi kebakaran di Kampung Pulo, Jakarta Timur, Senin (6/5/2013)
malam. Selain menengok korban kebakaran, Jokowi ju
blusukan ke lokasi kebakaran di
Kampung Pulo, Jakarta Timur, Senin (6/5/2013) malam. Selain menengok korban kebakaran, Jokowi
juga menyerahkan sejumlah bantuan berupa uang dan beras.
"Dikit-dikit ada
uanglah, beras, tas, buku-buku untuk anak sekolah. Sudah ditangani oleh lurah," ujar Jokowi
di sela kunjungan. Dari pantauan, bantuan yang diberikan adalah dua ton
beras, uang senilai Rp 30 juta, dan beragam peralatan sekolah, seperti buku, seragam, dan
Kebakaran melanda lima RT di dua RW di area permukiman bantaran Sungai
Ciliwung, tepatnya di Kampung Pulo, Kampung Melayu, Jatinegara, Jakarta Timur, Minggu (5/5/2013)
siang. lima RT itu adalah RT 14, RT 15 dan RT 16 yang ada di RW 03 serta RT 11, RT 13 yang ada di
RW 02.
Wilayah yang akan direlokasi, tetapi...
Jokowi mengatakan, dia mendapat laporan kebakaran ini meluas karena mobil kebakaran tak bisa
masuk ke pusat titik api. Lebar jalan di perkampungan ini tak lebih dari satu meter. Belum lagi,
kebanyakan rumah warga berbahan kayu.
"Memang harus ada alat pemadam kebakaran
pertama yang kecil dan fleksibel. Pemadam kebakarannya nggak bisa masuk, gangnya
gimana cuma satu meter gini kok," lanjut Jokowi. Mantan Wali Kota Surakarta
tersebut mengakui permukiman warga yang dilanda kebakaran ini merupakan daerah bantaran Sungai
Ciliwung yang bakal terkena relokasi.
Namun, Jokowi memastikan kedatangannya ke
lokasi kebakaran ini adalah murni untuk menjenguk para korban, bukan untuk membahas rencana
relokasi. Akibat kebakaran tersebut, 408 jiwa dari 113 kepala keluarga kehilangan tempat
Editor : Palupi Annisa Auliani
Obama Finds a Bolder Voice on Race Issues
As he reflected on the festering wounds deepened by race and grievance that have been on painful display in America’s cities lately, President Obama on Monday found himself thinking about a young man he had just met named Malachi.
A few minutes before, in a closed-door round-table discussion at Lehman College in the Bronx, Mr. Obama had asked a group of black and Hispanic students from disadvantaged backgrounds what could be done to help them reach their goals. Several talked about counseling and guidance programs.
“Malachi, he just talked about — we should talk about love,” Mr. Obama told a crowd afterward, drifting away from his prepared remarks. “Because Malachi and I shared the fact that our dad wasn’t around and that sometimes we wondered why he wasn’t around and what had happened. But really, that’s what this comes down to is: Do we love these kids?”
Many presidents have governed during times of racial tension, but Mr. Obama is the first to see in the mirror a face that looks like those on the other side of history’s ledger. While his first term was consumed with the economy, war and health care, his second keeps coming back to the societal divide that was not bridged by his election. A president who eschewed focusing on race now seems to have found his voice again as he thinks about how to use his remaining time in office and beyond.
In the aftermath of racially charged unrest in places like Baltimore, Ferguson, Mo., and New York, Mr. Obama came to the Bronx on Monday for the announcement of a new nonprofit organization that is being spun off from his White House initiative called My Brother’s Keeper. Staked by more than $80 million in commitments from corporations and other donors, the new group, My Brother’s Keeper Alliance, will in effect provide the nucleus for Mr. Obama’s post-presidency, which will begin in January 2017.
“This will remain a mission for me and for Michelle not just for the rest of my presidency but for the rest of my life,” Mr. Obama said. “And the reason is simple,” he added. Referring to some of the youths he had just met, he said: “We see ourselves in these young men. I grew up without a dad. I grew up lost sometimes and adrift, not having a sense of a clear path. The only difference between me and a lot of other young men in this neighborhood and all across the country is that I grew up in an environment that was a little more forgiving.”
Organizers said the new alliance already had financial pledges from companies like American Express, Deloitte, Discovery Communications and News Corporation. The money will be used to help companies address obstacles facing young black and Hispanic men, provide grants to programs for disadvantaged youths, and help communities aid their populations.
Joe Echevarria, a former chief executive of Deloitte, the accounting and consulting firm, will lead the alliance, and among those on its leadership team or advisory group are executives at PepsiCo, News Corporation, Sprint, BET and Prudential Group Insurance; former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell; Senator Cory Booker, Democrat of New Jersey; former Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.; the music star John Legend; the retired athletes Alonzo Mourning, Jerome Bettis and Shaquille O’Neal; and the mayors of Indianapolis, Sacramento and Philadelphia.
The alliance, while nominally independent of the White House, may face some of the same questions confronting former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton as she begins another presidential campaign. Some of those donating to the alliance may have interests in government action, and skeptics may wonder whether they are trying to curry favor with the president by contributing.
“The Obama administration will have no role in deciding how donations are screened and what criteria they’ll set at the alliance for donor policies, because it’s an entirely separate entity,” Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, told reporters on Air Force One en route to New York. But he added, “I’m confident that the members of the board are well aware of the president’s commitment to transparency.”
The alliance was in the works before the disturbances last week after the death of Freddie Gray, the black man who suffered fatal injuries while in police custody in Baltimore, but it reflected the evolution of Mr. Obama’s presidency. For him, in a way, it is coming back to issues that animated him as a young community organizer and politician. It was his own struggle with race and identity, captured in his youthful memoir, “Dreams From My Father,” that stood him apart from other presidential aspirants.
But that was a side of him that he kept largely to himself through the first years of his presidency while he focused on other priorities like turning the economy around, expanding government-subsidized health care and avoiding electoral land mines en route to re-election.
After securing a second term, Mr. Obama appeared more emboldened. Just a month after his 2013 inauguration, he talked passionately about opportunity and race with a group of teenage boys in Chicago, a moment aides point to as perhaps the first time he had spoken about these issues in such a personal, powerful way as president. A few months later, he publicly lamented the death of Trayvon Martin, a black Florida teenager, saying that “could have been me 35 years ago.”
That case, along with public ruptures of anger over police shootings in Ferguson and elsewhere, have pushed the issue of race and law enforcement onto the public agenda. Aides said they imagined that with his presidency in its final stages, Mr. Obama might be thinking more about what comes next and causes he can advance as a private citizen.
That is not to say that his public discussion of these issues has been universally welcomed. Some conservatives said he had made matters worse by seeming in their view to blame police officers in some of the disputed cases.
“President Obama, when he was elected, could have been a unifying leader,” Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, a Republican candidate for president, said at a forum last week. “He has made decisions that I think have inflamed racial tensions.”
On the other side of the ideological spectrum, some liberal African-American activists have complained that Mr. Obama has not done enough to help downtrodden communities. While he is speaking out more, these critics argue, he has hardly used the power of the presidency to make the sort of radical change they say is necessary.
The line Mr. Obama has tried to straddle has been a serrated one. He condemns police brutality as he defends most officers as honorable. He condemns “criminals and thugs” who looted in Baltimore while expressing empathy with those trapped in a cycle of poverty and hopelessness.
In the Bronx on Monday, Mr. Obama bemoaned the death of Brian Moore, a plainclothes New York police officer who had died earlier in the day after being shot in the head Saturday on a Queens street. Most police officers are “good and honest and fair and care deeply about their communities,” even as they put their lives on the line, Mr. Obama said.
“Which is why in addressing the issues in Baltimore or Ferguson or New York, the point I made was that if we’re just looking at policing, we’re looking at it too narrowly,” he added. “If we ask the police to simply contain and control problems that we ourselves have been unwilling to invest and solve, that’s not fair to the communities, it’s not fair to the police.”
Moreover, if society writes off some people, he said, “that’s not the kind of country I want to live in; that’s not what America is about.”
His message to young men like Malachi Hernandez, who attends Boston Latin Academy in Massachusetts, is not to give up.
“I want you to know you matter,” he said. “You matter to us.”
How Some Men Fake an 80-Hour Workweek, and Why It Matters
Imagine an elite professional services firm with a high-performing, workaholic culture. Everyone is expected to turn on a dime to serve a client, travel at a moment’s notice, and be available pretty much every evening and weekend. It can make for a grueling work life, but at the highest levels of accounting, law, investment banking and consulting firms, it is just the way things are.
Except for one dirty little secret: Some of the people ostensibly turning in those 80- or 90-hour workweeks, particularly men, may just be faking it.
Many of them were, at least, at one elite consulting firm studied by Erin Reid, a professor at Boston University’s Questrom School of Business. It’s impossible to know if what she learned at that unidentified consulting firm applies across the world of work more broadly. But her research, published in the academic journal Organization Science, offers a way to understand how the professional world differs between men and women, and some of the ways a hard-charging culture that emphasizes long hours above all can make some companies worse off.
Ms. Reid interviewed more than 100 people in the American offices of a global consulting firm and had access to performance reviews and internal human resources documents. At the firm there was a strong culture around long hours and responding to clients promptly.
“When the client needs me to be somewhere, I just have to be there,” said one of the consultants Ms. Reid interviewed. “And if you can’t be there, it’s probably because you’ve got another client meeting at the same time. You know it’s tough to say I can’t be there because my son had a Cub Scout meeting.”
Some people fully embraced this culture and put in the long hours, and they tended to be top performers. Others openly pushed back against it, insisting upon lighter and more flexible work hours, or less travel; they were punished in their performance reviews.
The third group is most interesting. Some 31 percent of the men and 11 percent of the women whose records Ms. Reid examined managed to achieve the benefits of a more moderate work schedule without explicitly asking for it.
They made an effort to line up clients who were local, reducing the need for travel. When they skipped work to spend time with their children or spouse, they didn’t call attention to it. One team on which several members had small children agreed among themselves to cover for one another so that everyone could have more flexible hours.
A male junior manager described working to have repeat consulting engagements with a company near enough to his home that he could take care of it with day trips. “I try to head out by 5, get home at 5:30, have dinner, play with my daughter,” he said, adding that he generally kept weekend work down to two hours of catching up on email.
Despite the limited hours, he said: “I know what clients are expecting. So I deliver above that.” He received a high performance review and a promotion.
What is fascinating about the firm Ms. Reid studied is that these people, who in her terminology were “passing” as workaholics, received performance reviews that were as strong as their hyper-ambitious colleagues. For people who were good at faking it, there was no real damage done by their lighter workloads.
It calls to mind the episode of “Seinfeld” in which George Costanza leaves his car in the parking lot at Yankee Stadium, where he works, and gets a promotion because his boss sees the car and thinks he is getting to work earlier and staying later than anyone else. (The strategy goes awry for him, and is not recommended for any aspiring partners in a consulting firm.)
A second finding is that women, particularly those with young children, were much more likely to request greater flexibility through more formal means, such as returning from maternity leave with an explicitly reduced schedule. Men who requested a paternity leave seemed to be punished come review time, and so may have felt more need to take time to spend with their families through those unofficial methods.
The result of this is easy to see: Those specifically requesting a lighter workload, who were disproportionately women, suffered in their performance reviews; those who took a lighter workload more discreetly didn’t suffer. The maxim of “ask forgiveness, not permission” seemed to apply.
It would be dangerous to extrapolate too much from a study at one firm, but Ms. Reid said in an interview that since publishing a summary of her research in Harvard Business Review she has heard from people in a variety of industries describing the same dynamic.
High-octane professional service firms are that way for a reason, and no one would doubt that insane hours and lots of travel can be necessary if you’re a lawyer on the verge of a big trial, an accountant right before tax day or an investment banker advising on a huge merger.
But the fact that the consultants who quietly lightened their workload did just as well in their performance reviews as those who were truly working 80 or more hours a week suggests that in normal times, heavy workloads may be more about signaling devotion to a firm than really being more productive. The person working 80 hours isn’t necessarily serving clients any better than the person working 50.
In other words, maybe the real problem isn’t men faking greater devotion to their jobs. Maybe it’s that too many companies reward the wrong things, favoring the illusion of extraordinary effort over actual productivity.