Biro Perjalanan Ibadah Haji November 2015 di Jakarta
Biro Perjalanan Ibadah Haji November 2015 di Jakarta Hubungi 021-9929-2337 atau 0821-2406-5740 Alhijaz Indowisata adalah perusahaan swasta nasional yang bergerak di bidang tour dan travel. Nama Alhijaz terinspirasi dari istilah dua kota suci bagi umat islam pada zaman nabi Muhammad saw. yaitu Makkah dan Madinah. Dua kota yang penuh berkah sehingga diharapkan menular dalam kinerja perusahaan. Sedangkan Indowisata merupakan akronim dari kata indo yang berarti negara Indonesia dan wisata yang menjadi fokus usaha bisnis kami.
Biro Perjalanan Ibadah Haji November 2015 di Jakarta Alhijaz Indowisata didirikan oleh Bapak H. Abdullah Djakfar Muksen pada tahun 2010. Merangkak dari kecil namun pasti, alhijaz berkembang pesat dari mulai penjualan tiket maskapai penerbangan domestik dan luar negeri, tour domestik hingga mengembangkan ke layanan jasa umrah dan haji khusus. Tak hanya itu, pada tahun 2011 Alhijaz kembali membuka divisi baru yaitu provider visa umrah yang bekerja sama dengan muassasah arab saudi. Sebagai komitmen legalitas perusahaan dalam melayani pelanggan dan jamaah secara aman dan profesional, saat ini perusahaan telah mengantongi izin resmi dari pemerintah melalui kementrian pariwisata, lalu izin haji khusus dan umrah dari kementrian agama. Selain itu perusahaan juga tergabung dalam komunitas organisasi travel nasional seperti Asita, komunitas penyelenggara umrah dan haji khusus yaitu HIMPUH dan organisasi internasional yaitu IATA.
Jasa Cuci Sofa-cuci Springbed Terbaik di kota Anda dan di Jakarta. Kami merupakan Provider Laundry Sofa Pertama di INDONE
Jasa Cuci Sofa-cuci Springbed Terbaik di kota Anda dan di Jakarta. Kami merupakan Provider Laundry Sofa Pertama di INDONESIA yang menggunakan Alat Berteknologi ,mempunyai cara yang tepat dan canggih dalam mencuci sofa maupun Spring bed, dan menggunakan Shampoo khusus yang terbaik, mampu membunuh kuman-kuman serta bakteri yang ada pada Sofa, Spring Bed, Karpet, Kursi Kantor, maupun Jok Mobil Anda. Surya Wijaya Sofa - Bersih Tanpa Kuman, Berseri Kembali itu adalah Moto kami,
Menggunakan Shamphoo Berkualitas bermerek serta ramah terhadap sofa maupun furniture lainnya,Seflon-72 merupakan Shampoo Organik yang mampu membunuh kuman yang nempel di permukaan sofa ataupun springbed Anda.
Dalam Proses Pencucian Sofa, karpet, Cuci Kursi Kantor, Cuci Spring Bed maupun Karpet Rumah kami adalah Jasa Cleaning Pertama yang menggunakan Alat dan Shampo Berteknology Canggih yang mampu membersihkan Kursi dan Furniture anda sampai ke Sudut-sudut yang susah dijangkau alat-alat lainnya dan tentunya pasti mendapatkan hasil cucian yang benar-benar maksimal.
Specialis cuci sofa,SURYA WIJAYA SOFA,,,(021) 7021-5444 specialis cuci springbed,cuci kursi kantor,cuci particy,cuci jok mobil,cuci karpet untuk di rumah,di apartement,di hotel dan di kantor Anda. Kami ahlinya mencuci sofa dan meskipun hujan tidak masalah. Melayani seluruh wilayah -JABODETABEK. Barang kali Anda punya masalah kotor pada sofa ataupun springbed….???? Serahkan kepada kami SURYA WIJAYA SOFA ,agar supaya sofa ataupun springbed Anda kembali menjadi bersih,steril,bebas kuman dan tentunya Anda pasti akan lebih nyaman lagi untuk bersantai duduk di sofa mupun istirahat tidur di springbed.
Laundry sofa yang sangat berpengalaman dan terbaik di kota Anda...............!!!
Kami turut cemas apabila kotoran bekas makanan,keringat,kebocoran dan debu tersebut menyebabkan kuman bersarang dan jamur disana.bayangkan resiko ataupun akibatnya bagi kesehatan keluarga Anda.
Selama hampir 19 tahun kami telah mengembangkan metode laundry untuk mengatasi masalah kotor pada sofa,springbed ataupun jok mobil Anda, cuci sofa terus mempesona para konsumen dengan metode laundry yang unik dan efisien. Menggunakan chemical khusus dan selfon-72 dari Belgia, shampo dengan bahan organik,aman dan ramah lingkungan, mampu memberikan hasil luar biasa dan maksimal, tanpa merusak warna dan permukaan bahan kain sofa, spring bed,jok mobil dan kursi Anda…..Dijamin!!!
Kami akan selalu berusaha membantu Anda sepenuhnya. Kami memberikan peluang Kepada Anda untuk mendapatkan jaminan uang kembali apabila hasil kerja kami tidak dapat mengatasi konflik atau masalah Anda.
Meski tehnologi laundry terus bekembang tetapi sampai saat ini belum ada laundry sofa dengan metode Dry clean. Banyak saja laundry sofa menawarkan metode foaming atau pasta dengan harapan mempercepat proses pengeringan sofa, tetapi metode tersebut akan banyak resiko dan meninggalkan residu yang menyebabkan timbulnya jamur,warna menjadi pudar dan kerusakan pada permukaan kain.
Cuci sofa telah memadukan metode wet clean dan extraction yang merupakan solusi tepat laundry sofa untuk kondisi lingkungan panas dan berdebu seperti di Jakarta dan kota-kota besar di Indonesia pada umumnya,karena selfon-72 mampu melepaskan kotoran (re-disposisi) dan penggunaan mesin extractor yang dapat membilas dan mengangkat kotoran sofa sampai bersih tuntas, sehingga mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal dan steril lagi.
proses pencucian sofa
proses pencucian springbed
Cuci sofa,springbed,jok mobil maupun karpet dikerjakan di tempat Anda,
pengeringan natural,tanpa dyer atau tidak perlu dijemur.kondisi sofa mencapai 90% kering dan di jamin kering.
chemical dan Selfon-72 bukan deterjen,tapi salah satu shampo khusus untuk kain sofa.Dijamin tidak menimbulkan bau apek atau jamur dan resiko apapun meskipun kondisi sofa masih lembab.
100% kotoranya bisa terangkat.
jenis noda darah 100% tidak dapat hilang.
complain konsumen akan kami tanggapi dan kami perhatikan secara positif
Hanya kualitas terbaik dan pelayanan yang terbaik kami berikan untuk Anda,apabila Anda puas dengan pelayanan kami,beritahukan kepada kawan-kawan Anda, dan bila Anda kecewa tolong beritahukan kepada kami.
Akukan datang untukmu
Disaat kau menginginkan,
Akukan datang untukmu
Disaat kau menginginkanku
Tapi kau pergi sesuka hatimu
Sampai kapan kau begini
Sampai kapan, kapan, sampai kapan
Kita bisa bertemu
Sampai kapan, kapan, sampai kapan
Kita bisa berdua
Selama ini, selama ini
Ku ingin kita bersama
Selama ini, selama ini
Kuingin kita bercinta selamanya
Akukan datang untukmu
Disaat kau merindukanku
Sesuka hatimu
Sampai kapan kau begini
Sampai ku menanti
Sampai kapan ku disini
Bersamamu selamanya
Editor : Dian Sukmawati
Ruth Rendell, Novelist Who Thrilled and Educated, Dies at 85
Ms. Rendell was a prolific writer of intricately plotted mystery novels that combined psychological insight, social conscience and teeth-chattering terror.
But an unusual assortment of players, including furniture makers, the Chinese government, Republicans from states with a large base of furniture manufacturing and even some Democrats who championed early regulatory efforts, have questioned the E.P.A. proposal. The sustained opposition has held sway, as the agency is now preparing to ease key testing requirements before it releases the landmark federal health standard.
The E.P.A.’s five-year effort to adopt this rule offers another example of how industry opposition can delay and hamper attempts by the federal government to issue regulations, even to control substances known to be harmful to human health.
Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen that can also cause respiratory ailments like asthma, but the potential of long-term exposure to cause cancers like myeloid leukemia is less well understood.
The E.P.A.’s decision would be the first time that the federal government has regulated formaldehyde inside most American homes.
“The stakes are high for public health,” said Tom Neltner, senior adviser for regulatory affairs at the National Center for Healthy Housing, who has closely monitored the debate over the rules. “What we can’t have here is an outcome that fails to confront the health threat we all know exists.”
The proposal would not ban formaldehyde — commonly used as an ingredient in wood glue in furniture and flooring — but it would impose rules that prevent dangerous levels of the chemical’s vapors from those products, and would set testing standards to ensure that products sold in the United States comply with those limits. The debate has sharpened in the face of growing concern about the safety of formaldehyde-treated flooring imported from Asia, especially China.
What is certain is that a lot of money is at stake: American companies sell billions of dollars’ worth of wood products each year that contain formaldehyde, and some argue that the proposed regulation would impose unfair costs and restrictions.
Determined to block the agency’s rule as proposed, these industry players have turned to the White House, members of Congress and top E.P.A. officials, pressing them to roll back the testing requirements in particular, calling them redundant and too expensive.
“There are potentially over a million manufacturing jobs that will be impacted if the proposed rule is finalized without changes,” wrote Bill Perdue, the chief lobbyist at the American Home Furnishings Alliance, a leading critic of the testing requirements in the proposed regulation, in one letter to the E.P.A.
Industry opposition helped create an odd alignment of forces working to thwart the rule. The White House moved to strike out key aspects of the proposal. Subsequent appeals for more changes were voiced by players as varied as Senator Barbara Boxer, Democrat of California, and Senator Roger Wicker, Republican of Mississippi, as well as furniture industry lobbyists.
Hurricane Katrina in 2005 helped ignite the public debate over formaldehyde, after the deadly storm destroyed or damaged hundreds of thousands of homes along the Gulf of Mexico, forcing families into temporary trailers provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
The displaced storm victims quickly began reporting respiratory problems, burning eyes and other issues, and tests then confirmed high levels of formaldehyde fumes leaking into the air inside the trailers, which in many cases had been hastily constructed.
Public health advocates petitioned the E.P.A. to issue limits on formaldehyde in building materials and furniture used in homes, given that limits already existed for exposure in workplaces. But three years after the storm, only California had issued such limits.
Industry groups like the American Chemistry Council have repeatedly challenged the science linking formaldehyde to cancer, a position championed by David Vitter, the Republican senator from Louisiana, who is a major recipient of chemical industry campaign contributions, and whom environmental groups have mockingly nicknamed “Senator Formaldehyde.”
In laminate flooring, formaldehyde is used as a bonding agent in the fiberboard (or other composite wood) core layer and may also be used in glues that bind layers together. Concerns were raised in March when certain laminate flooring imported from China was reported to contain levels of formaldehyde far exceeding the limit permitted by California.
Often made of melamine resin
Paper printed to resemble wood,
or a thin wood veneer
Layers may be bound using
formaldehyde-based glues
Fiberboard or other
composite, formed using
formaldehyde-based adhesives
Moisture-resistant vapor barrier
What is formaldehyde?
Formaldehyde is a common chemical used in many industrial and household products as an adhesive, bonding agent or preservative. It is classified as a volatile organic compound. The term volatile means that, at room temperature, formaldehyde will vaporize, or become a gas. Products made with formaldehyde tend to release this gas into the air. If breathed in large quantities, it may cause health problems.
Pressed-wood and composite wood products
Wallpaper and paints
Spray foam insulation used in construction
Commercial wood floor finishes
Crease-resistant fabrics
In cigarette smoke, or in the fumes from combustion of other materials, including wood, oil and gasoline.
Exposure to formaldehyde in sufficient amounts may cause eye, throat or skin irritation, allergic reactions, and respiratory problems like coughing, wheezing or asthma.
Long-term exposure to high levels has been associated with cancer in humans and laboratory animals.
Exposure to formaldehyde may affect some people more severely than others.
By 2010, public health advocates and some industry groups secured bipartisan support in Congress for legislation that ordered the E.P.A. to issue federal rules that largely mirrored California’s restrictions. At the time, concerns were rising over the growing number of lower-priced furniture imports from Asia that might include contaminated products, while also hurting sales of American-made products.
Maneuvering began almost immediately after the E.P.A. prepared draft rules to formally enact the new standards.
White House records show at least five meetings in mid-2012 with industry executives — kitchen cabinet makers, chemical manufacturers, furniture trade associations and their lobbyists, like Brock R. Landry, of the Venable law firm. These parties, along with Senator Vitter’s office, appealed to top administration officials, asking them to intervene to roll back the E.P.A. proposal.
The White House Office of Management and Budget, which reviews major federal regulations before they are adopted, apparently agreed. After the White House review, the E.P.A. “redlined” many of the estimates of the monetary benefits that would be gained by reductions in related health ailments, like asthma and fertility issues, documents reviewed by The New York Times show.
As a result, the estimated benefit of the proposed rule dropped to $48 million a year, from as much as $278 million a year. The much-reduced amount deeply weakened the agency’s justification for the sometimes costly new testing that would be required under the new rules, a federal official involved in the effort said.
“It’s a redlining blood bath,” said Lisa Heinzerling, a Georgetown University Law School professor and a former E.P.A. official, using the Washington phrase to describe when language is stricken from a proposed rule. “Almost the entire discussion of these potential benefits was excised.”
“That’s a huge difference,” said Luke Bolar, a spokesman for Mr. Vitter, of the reduced estimated financial benefits, saying the change was “clearly highlighting more mismanagement” at the E.P.A.
The review’s outcome galvanized opponents in the furniture industry. They then targeted a provision that mandated new testing of laminated wood, a cheaper alternative to hardwood. (The California standard on which the law was based did not require such testing.)
But E.P.A. scientists had concluded that these laminate products — millions of which are sold annually in the United States — posed a particular risk. They said that when thin layers of wood, also known as laminate or veneer, are added to furniture or flooring in the final stages of manufacturing, the resulting product can generate dangerous levels of fumes from often-used formaldehyde-based glues.
Industry executives, outraged by what they considered an unnecessary and financially burdensome level of testing, turned every lever within reach to get the requirement removed. It would be particularly onerous, they argued, for small manufacturers that would have to repeatedly interrupt their work to do expensive new testing. The E.P.A. estimated that the expanded requirements for laminate products would cost the furniture industry tens of millions of dollars annually, while the industry said that the proposed rule over all would cost its 7,000 American manufacturing facilities over $200 million each year.
“A lot of people don’t seem to appreciate what a lot of these requirements do to a small operation,” said Dick Titus, executive vice president of the Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Association, whose members are predominantly small businesses. “A 10-person shop, for example, just really isn’t equipped to handle that type of thing.”
Becky Gillette wants strong regulation of formaldehyde.Credit Beth Hall for The New York Times
Big industry players also weighed in. Executives from companies including La-Z-Boy, Hooker Furniture and Ashley Furniture all flew to Washington for a series of meetings with the offices of lawmakers including House Speaker John Boehner, Republican of Ohio, and about a dozen other lawmakers, asking several of them to sign a letter prepared by the industry to press the E.P.A. to back down, according to an industry report describing the lobbying visit.
The industry lobbyists also held their own meeting at E.P.A. headquarters, and they urged Jim Jones, who oversaw the rule-making process as the assistant administrator for the agency’s Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, to visit a North Carolina furniture manufacturing plant. According to the trade group, Mr. Jones told them that the visit had “helped the agency shift its thinking” about the rules and how laminated products should be treated.
The resistance was particularly intense from lawmakers like Mr. Wicker of Mississippi, whose state is home to major manufacturing plants owned by Ashley Furniture Industries, the world’s largest furniture maker, and who is one of the biggest recipients in Congress of donations from the industry’s trade association. Asked if the political support played a role, a spokesman for Mr. Wicker replied: “Thousands of Mississippians depend on the furniture manufacturing industry for their livelihoods. Senator Wicker is committed to defending all Mississippians from government overreach.”
Individual companies like Ikea also intervened, as did the Chinese government, which claimed that the new rule would create a “great barrier” to the import of Chinese products because of higher costs.
Perhaps the most surprising objection came from Senator Boxer, of California, a longtime environmental advocate, whose office questioned why the E.P.A.’s rule went further than her home state’s in seeking testing on laminated products. “We did not advocate an outcome, other than safety,” her office said in a statement about why the senator raised concerns. “We said ‘Take a look to see if you have it right.’ ”
Safety advocates say that tighter restrictions — like the ones Ms. Boxer and Mr. Wicker, along with Representative Doris Matsui, a California Democrat, have questioned — are necessary, particularly for products coming from China, where items as varied as toys and Christmas lights have been found to violate American safety standards.
While Mr. Neltner, the environmental advocate who has been most involved in the review process, has been open to compromise, he has pressed the E.P.A. not to back down entirely, and to maintain a requirement that laminators verify that their products are safe.
An episode of CBS’s “60 Minutes” in March brought attention to the issue when it accused Lumber Liquidators, the discount flooring retailer, of selling laminate products with dangerous levels of formaldehyde. The company has disputed the show’s findings and test methods, maintaining that its products are safe.
“People think that just because Congress passed the legislation five years ago, the problem has been fixed,” said Becky Gillette, who then lived in coastal Mississippi, in the area hit by Hurricane Katrina, and was among the first to notice a pattern of complaints from people living in the trailers. “Real people’s faces and names come up in front of me when I think of the thousands of people who could get sick if this rule is not done right.”
An aide to Ms. Matsui rejected any suggestion that she was bending to industry pressure.
“From the beginning the public health has been our No. 1 concern,” said Kyle J. Victor, an aide to Ms. Matsui.
But further changes to the rule are likely, agency officials concede, as they say they are searching for a way to reduce the cost of complying with any final rule while maintaining public health goals. The question is just how radically the agency will revamp the testing requirement for laminated products — if it keeps it at all.
“It’s not a secret to anybody that is the most challenging issue,” said Mr. Jones, the E.P.A. official overseeing the process, adding that the health consequences from formaldehyde are real. “We have to reduce those exposures so that people can live healthy lives and not have to worry about being in their homes.”